Private Coaching
Are you a driven, accomplished professional woman who’s dedicated herself to a thriving career, only to find the relentless cycle of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion is taking its toll on your wellbeing?
Private Coaching
Are you a driven, accomplished professional woman who’s dedicated herself to a thriving career, only to find the relentless cycle of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion is taking its toll on your wellbeing?
Are you living your life by design?
Are you a driven, accomplished professional woman who’s dedicated herself to a thriving career, only to find the relentless cycle of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion is taking its toll on your wellbeing?
If your passion for your job is turning into a daily struggle, leaving you feeling depleted and spiralling out of control, you’re not alone. The competing demands of our life load are causing a chronic imbalance, often ending in burnout, health complications, and hormonal disruptions.
Now more than ever, women are facing unrealistic expectations and relentless pressure to do more and achieve more with less, to juggle the competing demands of a never-ending workload with a full life load, and the chronic stress is slowly chipping away at our physical, mental and emotional resources.
And I totally get it, because I’ve stood where you are. I’ve been at rock-bottom in burnout, stuck in survival mode, limping through each day causing as little extra damage to myself as possible.
But it shouldn’t have to be this way! My goal is to support you on your career journey and equip you with the skills and tools of health to achieve your performance potential.
I am combining my lived experience of burnout and my professional expertise supporting Olympic athletes globally, to help you to restore your health and return to high-performance. So that you can continue performing, leading and achieving what matters most to you in life.
Radical revitalisation
Imagine a journey where your wellbeing takes centre stage. Where science, technology, and personal support converge, to empower you to reclaim control over your health and enable you to reach sustainable high-performance.
This is exactly what my Revitalisation 1:1 Coaching Program is about.
Burnout can be exhausting and overwhelming, and disruptive to your whole life, but with strategic lifestyle adjustments and behavioral shifts, you have the potential to reignite your energy, restore balance, and thrive – because surviving is just not good enough!
Whether you’re currently on the brink of burnout or struggling in the midst of it, the Revitalisation 1:1 Coaching Program is the solution you need.
It’s time to break free from the continuous cycle of burnout, unleash your potential, and embrace a life full of energy, vitality and personal harmony. Your journey to sustainable health and performance starts now.
The process
Over 12 months, we’ll work across my three foundational pillars: Body, Mind, and Hormone health to support your dysregulated system restore balance.
This process is for women who want complete burnout recovery and health restoration with expert guidance and support every step of the way.
As we work through these 3 pillars to restore your physical health, energy, and hormone function, we will be creating, embedding and refining new health habits to support optimal daily functioning at each stage. You will move from the survival mode of burnout, towards a thriving state of performance.

And the piece de resistance? Throughout this process we will tap into the power of wearable technology to provide deep insight into your health metrics, by capturing your personal data using the top-of-the-range WHOOPTM device. This will guide how we restore and optimise your health in the areas of stress, sleep, recovery, exercise, energy, and lifestyle.
The 12-Month Revitalisation Program includes:
- Fortnightly 1:1 consultations with Dr Kellie (in-person or virtual)
- An initial Health Discovery session with assessments (90 min)
- Unlimited acess to Dr Kellie throughout the program
- 3-month follow-up consultation post-program to continue embedding long-term habit change
- A scientific, evidence-informed process for burnout recovery using Dr Kellie’s 3 pillar model to bring your Body, Mind, and Hormones into balance
- Health monitoring and data insights using the WHOOP™ biometric device and 12-month license (yours to keep)
- Practical body science strategies and personalised support for lasting lifestyle and habit change
- Customised resources and materials to support your health journey
- A personalised report
- The opportunity to join the alumni membership for ongoing support from Dr Kellie*
The program outcomes
Through the Revitalisation Program you will:
- shift from the tired-but-wired, running-on-empty, non-functioning version of you in survival mode to the vibrant, healthy, thriving professional woman who is performing in her career with purpose and confidence
- regain and retain control over your health using body science
- increase self-awareness and develop self-management strategies to make more informed health-supportive decisions
- rewire your habits to nourish your body, mind and hormones for optimal daily functioning
- harness and use your stress positively to drive sustainable high-performance and prevent the burnout cycle
- learn to work in sync with your hormone cycles (and navigate through perimenopause)
I work with women who are:
- on the brink of, or currently experiencing burnout and want evidence-informed strategies and personal support to recover
- all-in on the process to repair their health
- committed to behavioural and lifestyle change
- ready to create a sustainable model of high- performance (without the constant burnout)
- willing to call for support to leverage and make improvements in live situations
Words from a happy client
“I really love our sessions. It’s like a guided reflection with how I’m using the WHOOP and interacting with my health and wellness. My regular sessions with Dr Kellie provide the accountability and expert streering to keep me on track, and to ensure that my effortsa nd commitments deliver maximum results. I’m truly excited to see where this takes me by the end of the program!”
Vanessa Pain - Portfolio Manager, Mining & Resources