I'm Dr Kellie Rose

…and I’m here to help you thrive, not just survive!

I'm Dr Kellie Rose

…and I’m here to help you thrive, not just survive!

I help executive women who are on the brink of burnout to restore their health and return to high-performance

How did I get here?

I’m Dr Kellie Rose.

I’m a performance scientist, executive health coach, and speaker, and I help executive women on the brink of burnout to restore their health and return to high performance.

In a former life, I worked with Olympic athletes across Australia and Europe, supporting them to achieve medal-winning performances at international events such as the Olympic and Commonwealth Games, and World, European and Pan Pacific Championships. It was my dream job, and it’s where I honed my deep lifelong passion for health and performance. BUT – it’s also where I neglected my own health and became a burned out wreck.

Yes, I’ve been there, and I want to prevent YOU from going there too.

How I got here

In a former life, I spent 10 years working with Olympic athletes globally, supporting them to achieve medal-winning performances on the international stage. It was my dream job, my career ambition, and the pinnacle of all I’d strived for. However, in the pursuit of my career amidst this high-stress, high-pressure, and high-demand environment, I neglected my own health and suffered a debilitating burnout.

Yes, I’ve been there, and I want to prevent YOU from going there too.

Burnout was my catalyst for change, and launched the next chapter of my career.

The experience of burnout prompted me to re-assess my life’s priorities, and it fundamentally changed the way I was operating, both personally and professionally. One of these realisations was the need for a career shift – it was time for a change, a new challenge, and a fresh start, having a broader impact on the world under my own steam.

I returned to Australia and founded my executive women’s health coaching business, Dr Kellie Rose, so that I could bring my unique skillset from elite sport to support the female corporate athletes of the business world.

Through my coaching and speaking, I’m on a mission to equip female leaders with the science-backed strategies to break the cycle of burnout and cultivate sustainable health and peak performance in their careers – and lives.


I have a Doctor of Philosophy and a Bachelor degree in Exercise Science from The University of Queensland. I am also qualified in Mental Health First Aid.

And a little-known fact – I worked with a Swiss digital health start-up company in the years between elite sport and founding Dr Kellie Rose. Our mission was to prevent chronic diseases globally through lifestyle and behaviour change, specifically through sleep, exercise, nutrition and cognitive function (yes, that’s right, the same elements of health included in my burnout prevention and recovery programs!).

Of course, this stimulated my love of business and entrepreneurship, and doing work that has a global impact. The rest is history.

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Why me?

I have a Doctor of Philosophy and Bachelor degrees in Exercise Science, and a Mental Health First Aid certification.You can be sure everything I share with you is grounded in science!

In between working in elite sport and where i am now, I worked with a Swiss startup company with a mission to prevent chronic disease globally through lifestyle and behaviour change (yep, you guessed it, using the same elements of health included in my burnout prevention and recovery program!).

This means that everything we do today to maximise your health and performance, will support your tomorrow, for a healthy and sustainable future.